Thank you

At first we would like to say thank you for choosing Master Slider WordPress plugin. In this documentation you will find everything you need to use Master Slider WordPress.
If you have any questions which are not covered in this documentation, please take a look at support section.

About the Master Slider WordPress

Master Slider WordPress is a premium high quality designed image and content slider for WordPress, with super smooth hardware accelerated transitions. It supports touch navigation with pure swipe gesture that you have never experienced before. It’s a truly responsive and device friendly slider which works perfect in all major devices. Master Slider is an awesome layer slider as well, with the ability of adding any HTML contents (texts, images, …) in layers. It is easy to use, plus there are ready to use templates available for you. You almost have everything in Master slider which is the most complete among the best, hotspots, thumbnails, variety of effects, Video support and much more.

Master Slider developer documentation

There is another version of Master Slider documentation specially for developers which you can find Developer Documentation here.

Installing by WP plugin installer

  1. Extract the zip file which you've downloaded from CodeCanyon.
  2. Navigate to Plugins > Add New page in your WordPress admin.
  3. Click on the Upload button on the top.
  4. Click on Choose File and choose "" file from extracted zip file. then hit the Install Now button.
  5. WordPress may ask you to enter your FTP details. After entering hit the Proceed.
  6. Now you should see "Master Slider WP" in plugins list. Click on the Activate Plugin to activate Master Slider WP.
Also WordPress codex contains instructions on how to do this here.

Note In this method the server that hosts your website should allow upload limits greater than 6 MB. Most hosting providers have only up to 2MB file upload limit.
In this case you need to upload the theme by FTP or contact your host provider to increase upload limit.

Installing by FTP

First, you need a tool for uploading plugin files to your site, you can use filemanager from cPanel or any FTP clients. Some good FTP clients :

  1. Extract the zip file which you've downloaded from CodeCanyon.
  2. Open extracted folder and extract "" file, after extract you should see "masterslider" folder.
  3. Connect to you server by FTP application then navigate to /wp-content/plugins/.
  4. Upload the "masterslider" folder which extracted.
  5. Login to your WordPress admin area and navigate to the Plugins page, then click the Activate below Master Slider WP.

Server Minimum Requirements

  • WordPress 3.6 or greater
  • PHP version 5.2.4 or greater
  • MySQL version 5.0 or greater

Auto update

Activate the auto update simply by going to Master Slider settings and entering Your Envato Username, Your Secret API Key and Master Slider Purchase Code on License Activation tab.

Master Slider auto update

Manual update

  1. Go to your CodeCanyon account and in download page, re-download the plugin ( updates are free of charge )
  2. Remove `/wp-content/plugins/masterslider` directory on your website using FTP
  3. Extract the download package file and find ``
  4. Extract `` directory to your computer and upload it to `/wp-content/plugins/` directory using a FTP
  5. Activate the plugin in the Plugins page

Attention: If you 'delete' Masterslider in plugins page by clicking on 'delete' button the uninstall proccess will trigger and it will erase all sliders and data related to Masterslider. Please pay attention and always update the plugin by two above methods.

Creating New Slider

  • Login to your wordpress admin panel and click on MasterSlider link in admin sidebar menu.
  • In Masterslider page click on Create New Slider button.

Master Slider Create New Slider

  • Now a popup window will be open as shown in screenshot.
  • Select slider type and press CREATE button.
  • Your request will be proceed and you will be redirected to MasterSlider's panel page.

Master Slider Slider Types

General Settings

Slider name
Specifies a name for your slider. It only used in admin area.
Slider width
Base width of slider in pixels, slider will resize layers and other elements under this value.
Slider height
Base height of slider in pixels.
Note Automatically crop and resize slider images based on above size if it is on.
Slider sizing method
The sizing method of slider, with this you can make slider fullscreen or fullwidth even if it does not supported in your theme, it also supports boxed and visible nearby slides layouts.
Auto-height Slider
Whether the slider adapts its height to each slide height.
Slider wrapper width
It will set the wrapper width of slider (slider parent) if it leaves empty slider will set it automatically (Slider uses this to align slider controls).
Master Slider General Settings

Slider Template and Transition

Here by clicking on Choose template you can specify a template for your slider.
Note Selecting template may overwrite some slider options and controls. If you want to have full control on options, select Custom Template.
Specifies the transition of changing slides in slider.
Transition speed
The speed amount of changing transition. Higher 50 values are not recommended.
Specifies slide changing direction, It may not supported by some templates.
Slide space
The spacing value between slides in pixels.
Master Slider Templates Settings

Slider Navigation and Preloading

Slide show
Enables the autoplay slideshow.
Loop navigation
Enables the continuous sliding mode.
Pause at the end slide
Whether the slider pauses slideshow when it reaches to last slide.
Pause on hover
Whether the slider temporary pause slideshow on mouse cursor moves over slider.
Random order
Whether using random slide ordering.
Hide layers before changing slide
Triggers hide transition of all layers just before changing slide. Only happens in slideshow slider.
Show layers before slide transition complete
Triggers show transition of next slide before slide transition complete.
Start with slide
Specifies the fist slide in slider.

Slider deep linking

Deeplink name
A unique name for the slider which will be used in browser address bar you can enter your own name otherwise slider generates a unique one.
Type of permalink
Specifies the type of displaying slider deeplinking permalink in the address bar.

Parallax mode

Move while sliding/swiping
It moves the layers while slider is sliding or swiping.
Follow mouse
It moves the layers while mouse is moving.
Follow mouse over X-axis
It moves the layers only on X-axis while mouse is moving (horizontally moves).
Follow mouse over Y-axis
It moves the layers only on Y-axis while mouse is moving (vertically moves).
It disable the parallax effect.

Slider parallax move while scrolling

Layers parallax depth percentage
The Intensity of parallax effect, higher values makes the layer more sensitive. Negative values are allowed.
Background parallax depth percentage
The Intensity of parallax effect of slide background, higher values makes the background more sensitive. Negative values are allowed.

Touch swipe navigation
Whether the drag/swipe navigation is enabled.
Mouse swipe navigation
Whether the user can use mouse drag navigation.
Use grab cursor
Whether the slider uses grab mouse cursor while swiping with mouse.
Mouse wheel
Enables mouse scroll wheel navigation.
Slide preloading
Here you can specify that how slider loads images, it supports three different methods: Load slides in sequence, Load all slides before init and Load nearby slides which takes the number of current slide's nearby slides that should loads at a same time.
Master Slider Navigation Settings

Slider Appearance

Here you can specify the skin of your slider.
you can take a look at all skins here..
Align center slider controls
Whether the slider aligns UI controls to center. This option is only effective in full width mode.
Background image
Here you can choose a background image for the slider.
Background color
Specifies the background color of slider
Class name
Here you can add custom class names to the slider main element. Multiple class names must be separated by white space.
Inline style
Here you can add custom CSS style to slider main element. For example border:solid 1px red;
Master Slider Appearance Settings


Here you can see already added slides to the slider, you can add a new slide to slider by clicking on Add Slide
Also you can change the sort of slides by drag and drop each one in this list.

Remove slide
You can remove the slide by clicking on remove icon.
Duplicate slide
For creating a duplicate from a slide you can click on duplicate icon.
Show or hide slide
You can show or hide each slide by clicking on show/hide icon. Slider doesn't show hidden slides in front end.
Master Slider Slides

Slide background and thumbnail

Specifies current slide background.
Specifies the slide background scaling method.
Here you can add a thumbnail for the slide. Please make sure that you have added Thumblist control to the slider or the selected template supports thumbs.
Master Slider Slide Background Settings

Slide video background

Video background paths
Specifies the slide background video.You can use major video types like MP4, Ogg and webm.
Video background fill mode
You can choose the fill mode of the video size.
Turn on/off background video loop.
turn on/off background video sound.
Pause video on slide changed
It pauses video when slide change and continues playing when it goes back to slide video.
Master Slider Slide Video Background Settings

Slide video and link

Here you can add Youtube or Vimeo video as a video slide and also you can make link each slide of your slider.

You can set a URL when user click on this slide it links to URL.
Video embed src
You can add Youtube and Vimeo src to create an slide for that video.
Note To find YouTube/Viemo Embed URL you can Open the video in YouTube/Vimeo, play video and right-click on it, select "Copy embed code" then paste the embed code in a text editor, now you can see video embed URL in embed code which specified as iframe src.
Master Slider Slide Video Background Settings

Slide misc

Here you can add custom CSS class or id to each slide and also add alt attribute to slide background image.

Class name
you can add a CSS class to slide.
CSS id
you can add a CSS id to slide.
Background color
It will be used to add color to slide background.
Alt text
you can add an alt text attribute to the image in your background of slide.
Color overlay
You can add color overlay to the slide.
Pattern overlay
You can add pattern overlay to the slide.
Master Slider Slide Video Background Settings

Working with Layers

There are 5 types of layer in Master Slider

You can add images in this type of layers.
You can add texts in this type of layers.
You can add Youtube and Vimeo videos in this type of layers.
You can add clickable button over slider and link it or bind custom actions to it.
You can add hotspots in this type of layers to show the related tooltip while mouse is over that hotspot, tooltip accepts html content as well as images in any sizes.

Adding new layers

To add layer in slide first you need to choose the layer type from the dropdown menu then press "+" button, the new layer will add in timeline and you can select it by clicking on its name.

Master Slider Slide Video Background Settings Master Slider Slide Video Background Settings

Adding content to image layers

Select image
You can select the image to put in image layer.
Alt text
You can add text for alt attribute to have a better SEO.
Link layer
You can set a URL when user click on this image layer it links to URL.
Layer actions
You can bind action the layer. Actions runs by clicking on layer by user.
Master Slider Slide Video Background Settings

Adding content to text layers

You can set the width of text layer in pixel.
Layer actions
You can bind action the layer. Actions runs by clicking on layer by user.
Note You need to enter your text on text editor.
Master Slider Slide Video Background Settings

Adding content to video layers

You can set Youtube or Vimeo src here.
Note To find YouTube/Viemo Embed URL you can Open the video in YouTube/Vimeo, play video and right-click on it, select "Copy embed code" then paste the embed code in a text editor, now you can see video embed URL in embed code which specified as iframe src.
You can set the width of video layer in pixel.
You can set the height of video layer in pixel.
Select image
You can select the image to put as video cover. It shows when video hasn't played yet.
Alt text
You can add text for alt attribute to have a better SEO.
Master Slider Slide Video Background Settings

Using Button layers

Specifies the label of button
Link layer
You can set a URL when user click on this image layer it links to URL.
Layer actions
You can bind action the layer. Actions runs by clicking on layer by user. By turning this on related options apper which are:
Master Slider button bind action
Goto next slide
It goes to next slide.
Goto previous slide
It goes to previous slide.
Goto slide
It goes to the slide you specify on Slide number.
Pause timer
It pauses the timer of slider.
Resume timer
It resumes the timer of slider.
Scroll to bottom of slider
It scrolls to the bottom of slider.
Note You can choose button style from preset button slides or create a new one by clicking on "New/Edit Button.." in Button Editor.
Master Slider Button Layer

Adding content to hotspot layers

Tooltip align
You can select the place of tooltip on hotspot layer here.
Tooltip max width
You can set the max width of Tooltip here.
Stay tooltip on mouse over it
tooltip does not disappear when mouse is over it.
Note Use text editor to add the content of hotspot layer such as image, text and etc.
Link layer
You can set a URL when user click on this image layer it links to URL.
Layer actions
You can bind action the layer. Actions runs by clicking on layer by user.
Master Slider Slide Video Background Settings

Set layer position on slide

You can select each layer by clicking on that then you can set the place for layer simply by drag and drop.You can also use keyboard arrow keys for changing layer place to have a better control over it or use "shift" + "arrow keys" to have a better speed.

You can change the depth of layers simply by dragging layer name in list of layers in timeline.

Align to stage
Use them to align layer to top, left, bottom, right, middle and center of slide.
If you turn it on, in short distances the layer snaps to near object such as other layers, borders of slide and etc.
It zooms the stage to make positioning easier.
Note Zoom is only to make positioning easier and doesn't have any effect on output.
Master Slider Slide Video Background Settings

Adding transition to layer

Parallax effect level
The Intensity of parallax effect, higher values makes the layer more sensitive. Negative values are allowed.
Transition effect
you can select transition effect for layer in/out or create a new transition on Transition Editor for your layer.
You can set the transition time for layer here, you can set it on timeline too, please take a look at Working with timeline for more information.
You can set the delay time for transition layer here, you can set it on timeline too, please take a look at Working with timeline for more information.
Enable transition out
You can enable/disable transition out for layer here.
You can set the duration time between transition in and out for layer.
Master Slider Slide Video Background Settings

Styling layer

Layer position origin
Choose the origin of layer from its 9 place.
You can set the X position of layer.
You can set the Y position of layer.
Select style for your layer
You can select style for layer or create a new style on Style Editor for your layer.
Resizable layer
If you turn it on this layer size changes by changing the window size.
Hide layer under width
You can set a minimum width for slider and if it goes less than that width this layer will be invisible.
Master Slider Slide layer style

Layer misc

CSS class name
you can add a CSS class to layer.
CSS id
you can add a CSS id to layer.
Title attribute
You can add title attribute for better SEO.
Rel attribute
You can add title attribute for better SEO.
Master Slider Slide layer style

Working with Timeline

You can manage all the layers in timeline on left side you can see all the layers of slide which

  • You can rename each layer by double clicking on its name.
  • You can change layers order by drag and drop.
  • You can remove layer by clicking on remove icon in front of each layer.
  • You can duplicate each layer by clicking on duplicate icon in front of each layer.
  • You can show or hide each layer by clicking on button below show/hide icon on layer row. It doesn't have any effect on front end.
  • You can lock layers for keep them safe from any changes by clicking on button below show/hide icon in layer row.
  • You can select only one layer to be visible to have a better view while working on layer by clicking on button below show/hide icon in layer row. It doesn't have any effect on front end.

You can understand the layer type by seeing the icon before its name.

  • All the image layers represent by duplicate icon.
  • All the text layers represent by duplicate icon.
  • All the video layers represent by duplicate icon.
  • All the hotspot layers represent by duplicate icon.

In front of each layer there is a timebar to give you access to time information.

  • Gray color represent for delay time for layer.
  • Blue color represent for transition in time for layer.
  • Yellow color represent for waiting time for layer.
  • Red color represent for transition out time for layer.
You can see the time info of each color by overing your mouse on that timebar, also you can change the time of each color by dragging that timebar.

Master Slider layer timeline

You can set duration of showing slide in autoplay mode.

Master Slider layer timeline

Working with Timeline in preview mode.

In preview mode timeline starts playing and you can see the transitions of each layer on slide, you need to click on "Preview slide" to enter to preview mode.

Note Removing or editing layers is disabled in preview mode.

Master Slider layer timeline

In preview mode you can have a powerful control over timeline playing by using indicator duplicate. You can use indicator to pause this timeline whenever you want or use it for fast forward/backward on timeline by dragging indicator. You can exit from preview mode by clicking on "exit preview".

Note You can pause and resume timeline by pressing the button duplicate on the left of "Exit preview".

Master Slider layer timeline

Working with Style Editor

You can use style editor to style layers, you can create a new style or use preset styles, also save the custom style as a preset for using it in other slider and slides.

There is a lot of options for you to style your layer and apply them With the option of seeing changes in preview. There is an option to use 600+ Google font, adding custom CSS from "Custom style" tab and a lot more.

Note If you remove a style from preset list it will affect on other sliders that use this specific preset style as well and their style would be removed.

Note If you have a single line text we recommend you to turn off wordwrap.

Master Slider layer timeline

Working with Style Editor

You can use button editor to create or edit buttons style, you can create a new style or use preset styles, also you can save the custom style as a new button for using it in other slider and slides.

There is a lot of options for you to style your button and apply them With the option of seeing changes in preview.

Note If you remove a button from list it will affect on other sliders that use this specific button as well and their style would be removed.

Master Slider Button Editor

Working with Transition Editor

You can create custom transition and apply or save them as a preset transition for future usage. Also you can see your transition with having control of moving forward/backward.

Master Slider layer timeline

General transition options

You can create custom transition and apply or save them as a preset transition for future usage.

Whether fade your transition or not.
Specifies the time of transition in second.
Ease function
Specifies the ease function for your transition.
Specifies the translate over X-axis for the transition in pixel.
Specifies the translate over Y-axis for the transition in pixel.
Specifies the translate over Z-axis for the transition in pixel.
Master Slider layer timeline

Transition rotation

2D Rotate
Specifies clockwise rotation at a given degree.
Rotate X
Specifies rotation over X-axis.
Rotate Y
Specifies rotation over Y-axis.
Rotate Z
Specifies rotation over Z-axis.
Master Slider layer timeline

Transition scale

Scale X
Specifies the Scale of layer's width.
Scale Y
Specifies the Scale of layer's height.
Skew X
Specifies the Skew of layer along the X-axis.
Skew Y
Specifies the Skew of layer along the Y-axis.
Master Slider layer timeline

Specifying transition origin

Origin X
Specifies the position of X-axis for layer in percentage.
Origin Y
Specifies the position of Y-axis for layer in percentage.
Origin Z
Specifies the position of Z-axis for layer in pixel.
Master Slider layer timeline

Adding Slider Controls

You can select one type of controller from the dropdown menu and by clicking on Master Slider layer timeline it will add to "Used control" list. You can customize each control type by clicking on that.

Master Slider layer timeline

Arrows Control Options

You have the abilities of hiding arrows while mouse is out of slider, showing arrows over videoplayer and hiding arrows in specific size of windows and less than that.

Master Slider layer timeline

Line Timer Control Options

You have the abilities of hiding line timer while mouse is out of slider, showing line timer over videoplayer and hiding line timer in specific size of windows and less than that.

Align control
Specifies the place of line timer.
Line timer color
Specifies the color of line timer.
Line timer width
Set the width of line timer.
Master Slider timeline

Slide Info Control Options

You have the abilities of hiding slide info while mouse is out of slider, showing slide info over videoplayer and hiding slide info in specific size of windows and less than that. Also you can insert the slide info inside of slider.

Align control
Specifies the place of slide info.
slide info margin
Specifies the margin for slide info.
slide info width
Specifies the width for slide info in pixel.
slide info height
Specifies the height for slide info in pixel.
Master Slider layer timeline

Bullets Control Options

You have the abilities of hiding bullets while mouse is out of slider, showing bullets over videoplayer and hiding bullets in specific size of windows and less than that.

Align control
Specifies the place of bullets.
slide info margin
Specifies the margin for bullets.
Master Slider layer timeline

Circle Timer Control Options

You have the abilities of hiding circle timer while mouse is out of slider, showing circle timer over videoplayer and hiding circle timer in specific size of windows and less than that.

Circle stroke
Specifies the stroke of circle in pixel.
Circle radius
Specifies the radius of circle in pixel.
Circle color
Specifies the fill color of circle.
Master Slider layer timeline

Scrollbar Control Options

You have the abilities of hiding Scrollbar while mouse is out of slider, showing Scrollbar over videoplayer and hiding Scrollbar in specific size of windows and less than that. Also you can insert the Scrollbar inside of slider.

Scrollbar handle color
Specifies the color for Scrollbar handle.
Align control
Specifies the place of Scrollbar.
Scrollbar width
Specifies the width for Scrollbar.
Scrollbar margin
Specifies the margin for Scrollbar.
Master Slider layer timeline

Thumblist/Tabs Control Options

You have the abilities of hiding thumblist/tabs while mouse is out of slider, showing thumblist/tabs over videoplayer and hiding thumblist/tabs in specific size of windows and less than that. Also you can insert the thumblist/tabs inside of slider.

Thumb background fill mode
Specifies the background fill mode of thumblist/tabs.
Align control
Specifies the place of thumblist/tabs.
Thumblist/Tabs margin
Specifies the margin for thumblist/tabs.
Choose thumblist or tabs.
Thumblist/Tabs info width
Specifies the width for thumblist/tabs in pixel.
Thumblist/Tabs info height
Specifies the height for thumblist/tabs in pixel.
Space between thumbs/tabs
Specifies the the space among thumbs in thumblist mode or tabs in tab mode.
Master Slider layer timeline

Working with Post Slider

You can create slider from your post simply by creating post slider. It uses the images and texts related to post.
You need to click on "Create New Slider" then from the types select "Post Slider" and click "CREATE".

Master Slider Create New Post Slider

Configuring Post Settings

Post type

There are two types of post slider (Posts and Pages) which you can choose and the related options to chosen type will be displayed.

It will be used to create slider from WordPress posts
    If you select posts:
  • Select the Categories that you want the posts fetch from.
  • Select the Tags that you want the posts fetch from.
  • Note If you want to select multiple categories/tags you need to hold ctrl(command in OS X) and click on the categories you want.
It will be used to create slider from WordPress pages

    Exclude posts
    Enter the (post/page)'s ID that you don't want to fetch in slider
    Note You need to separate the (post/page)'s ID by comma like 53,34,87,25.
    Posts number
    Set the number of (posts/pages) that you want to have in post slider.
    Excerpt length
    Set the excerpt length for your (posts/pages) in post slider.
    Number of first results to skip (offset)
    Set the number of posts that you don't want to have in post slider, for example 3 ignores the first three (posts/pages).
    Link slides to post's page
    Enable the post slider links, when user clicks on th slide it goes to its post page.

Order of slides
In this part you can arrange the order of post slides.
Order by
Arrange the post slides based on post published date.
Menu Order
Arrange the post slides based on their orders on menu.
Arrange the post slides based on their titles.
Arrange the post slides based on their ID.
Arrange the post slides randomly.
Arrange the post slides based on number of their comments.
Date Modified
Arrange the post slides based on post modified date.
Arrange the post slides based on post's author name.
Order direction
From A to Z
From Z to A

Post slide background image option (Grab the image from)
Auto Select
It select the featured image if doesn't exist select first image in post
Featured Image
It select the featured image
First Image in Post
It select the first image in post
Custom Image
It gives you the option to select a custom image
It doesn't use any image in post slides

Master Slider Create New Slider

Text content of Post Slider

You will have a huge control on adding related post content by using Insert dynamic content options. There are 2 Insert dynamic content for Post Slider one of them placed on Layer Content of text Layer as displayed in picture, the other one Slide info

Master Slider Create New Slider
Master Slider Create New Slider

Insert dynamic content

You can simply add text layer on each slide and add the content dynamically by using "Insert dynamic content".
There are a lot of option to help you add any related post information to slide which explains on below table.

Name Description Short code
The post title Add the post title. {{title}}
The post content Add the post content {{content}}
The post excerpt Add the post excerpt, you can set the length of excerpt on "post settings". {{excerpt}}
The post link Add the post link. {{permalink}}
The author name Add the author name. {{author}}
The unique ID of the post Add the unique ID of the post. {{post_id}}
Post image Add the image of post. {{image}}
Post image source Add the image URL. {{image-url}}
The year of the post Add the year of the post. {{year}}
Numeric Month Add the numeric Month. {{monthnum}}
Month name Add the month name. {{month}}
Day of the month Add the day of the month. {{daynum}}
Weekday name Add the weekday name. {{day}}
Hour:Minutes Add the hour:minutes of published post. {{time}}
The publish date Add the date of published post. {{date-published}}
The last modified date Add the date of last modified post. {{date-modified}}
Number of comments Add the number of comments of post. {{commentnum}}

Working with Facebook Slider

You can create slider from Facebook images simply by creating Facebook Slider. You need to click on "Create New Slider" then from the types select "Facebook Slider" and click "CREATE".

Master Slider Create New Post Slider

Configuring Facebook Slider setting

There are two options to create Facebook slider, from user public photos and from Photos in an album.

User public photos
It will be used to create slider from public images of user.

If you select User public photos:

Enter the username of Facebook.
Photos in an album
It will be used to create slider from images of Facebook album.

If you select Photos in an album:

Album id
Enter the id of Facebook album.
Number of photos
The number of images to create Facebook slider.
Images size
You can choose the size of images in slider.
Thumbnails size
You can choose the size of Thumbnails in slider.
Master Slider Create New Slider

Insert dynamic content

You can simply add text layer on each slide and add the content dynamically by using "Insert dynamic content".

Name Description Short code
Photo name Add the photo name. {{name}}
Photo owner name Add the owner name of photo {{owner-name}}
Photo link Add the post excerpt, you can set the length of excerpt on "post settings". {{link}}

Working with Flickr Slider

You can create slider from Flickr images simply by creating Flickr Slider. You need to click on "Create New Slider" then from the types select "Flickr Slider" and click "CREATE".

Master Slider Create New Post Slider

Configuring Flickr Slider setting

API key
Enter the API key for your Flickr.

There are two options to create Flickr slider, from user public photos and from Photos in a set.

User public photos
It will be used to create slider from public images of user.

If you select User public photos:

User Id
Enter the user id of Flickr.
Photos in a set
It will be used to create slider from images of a Flickr set.

If you select Photos in a set:

Photoset Id
Enter the id of Photoset.
Number of photos
The number of images to create Flickr slider.
Images size
You can choose the size of images in slider.
Thumbnails size
You can choose the size of Thumbnails in slider.
Master Slider Create New Slider

Insert dynamic content

You can simply add text layer on each slide and add the content dynamically by using "Insert dynamic content".

Name Description Short code
Photo name Add the photo name. {{title}}
Photo owner name Add the owner name of photo {{owner-name}}
Date taken Add the date that photo was taken. {{date-taken}}
Photo Description Add photo description {{description}}

Working with WooCommerce Product Slider

You can create slider from your products simply by creating WooCommerce Product Slider. You need to click on "Create New Slider" then from the types select "WooCommerce Product Slider" and click "CREATE".

Master Slider Create New Post Slider

Configuring WooCommerce Product Slider

Select the Categories that you want the products fetch from.
Select the Tags that you want the products fetch from.
Note If you want to select multiple categories/tags you need to hold ctrl(command in OS X) and click on the categories you want.
Only display in-stock products
It shows only the products available in-stock.
Only display featured products
It shows only the featured products.
Only display on sale products
It shows only the on sale products.
Exclude products
Enter the product's ID that you don't want to fetch in slider.
products number
Set the number of products that you want to have in product slider.
Excerpt length
Set the excerpt length for your products in product slider.
Number of first results to skip (offset)
Set the number of products that you don't want to have in post slider, for example 3 ignores the first three products.
Link slides to product's page
Enable the product slider links, when user clicks on th slide it goes to its product page.

Order of slides
In this part you can arrange the order of post slides.
Order by
Arrange the product slides based on product published date.
Menu Order
Arrange the product slides based on their orders on menu.
Arrange the product slides based on their titles.
Arrange the product slides based on their ID.
Arrange the product slides randomly.
Arrange the product slides based on number of their comments.
Date Modified
Arrange the product slides based on product modified date.
Arrange the product slides based on product's author name.
Arrange the product slides based on popularity.
Average rating
Arrange the product slides based on average rating.
Price: low to high
Arrange the product slides based on their price.
Price: high to low
Arrange the product slides based on their price.
Order direction
From A to Z
From Z to A

product slide background image option (Grab the image from)
Auto Select
It select the featured image if doesn't exist select first image in product.
Featured Image
It select the featured image.
First Image in product
It select the first image in product.
Custom Image
It gives you the option to select a custom image.
It doesn't use any image in product slides.

Master Slider Create New Slider

Insert dynamic content

You can simply add text layer on each slide and add the content dynamically by using "Insert dynamic content".

Name Description Short code
The post title Add the post title. {{title}}
The post content Add the post content {{content}}
The post excerpt Add the post excerpt, you can set the length of excerpt on "post settings". {{excerpt}}
The post link Add the post link. {{permalink}}
The author name Add the author name. {{author}}
The unique ID of the post Add the unique ID of the post. {{post_id}}
Post image Add the image of post. {{image}}
Post image source Add the image URL. {{image-url}}
The year of the post Add the year of the post. {{year}}
Numeric Month Add the numeric Month. {{monthnum}}
Month name Add the month name. {{month}}
Day of the month Add the day of the month. {{daynum}}
Weekday name Add the weekday name. {{day}}
Hour:Minutes Add the hour:minutes of published post. {{time}}
The publish date Add the date of published post. {{date-published}}
The last modified date Add the date of last modified post. {{date-modified}}
Number of comments Add the number of comments of post. {{commentnum}}
Price Add the price of product. {{wc_price}}
Regular Price Add the regular price of product. {{wc_regular_price}}
Sale Price Add the sale price of product {{wc_sale_price}}
In Stock Status Add the sale price of product {{wc_stock_status}}
Stock Quantity Add the quantity of product {{wc_stock_quantity}}
Weight Add the weight of product {{wc_weight}}
Product Categories Add the categories of product {{wc_product_cats}}
Product Tags Add the tags of product {{wc_product_tags}}
Total Sales Add the total sales of product {{wc_total_sales}}
Average Rating Add the average rating of product {{wc_average_rating}}
Rating Count Add the total number of rating {{wc_rating_count}}

Inserting the slider with shortcode

To insert the slider, edit a page or post and click on "Master Slider button" on WordPress editor, then select a slider from list. The slider shortcode will be added to WordPress editor, publish the page and you are done.

Master Slider use shortcode

Inserting the slider with the Master Slider WP widget

MasterSlider WP supports widgets, so you can place your slider in your front-end page just by a drag n' drop. To do that, navigate to the Appearance menu on your left sidebar and select "Widgets". Grab the MasterSlider WP Widget and drop it into one of your widget area. Please note that some themes may not support a widget area what you need. In this case, you can create a new widget area by editing your theme files.

Master Slider WP Widget

Calling the slider from your theme files

Because a slider can be an integral part of your site, you may want to place it into your theme files. There are some PHP function which you can call for example from the header.php file of your theme and it inserts your slider into your home page or certail other pages. Here they are :


Displays MasterSlider based on the slider id passed to.

Usage :

<?php masterslider ( $slider_id ); ?>


<?php echo get_masterslider ( $slider_id ); ?>

Parameters :
(int) The slider ID that can be found on the plugin page in the slider list view at the first table column.
Default: Null

It is important when you want to insert a slider to check its ID on the MasterSlider WP slider list page. When you removes some sliders, their IDs won't be re-indexed and the sequence may broke up. This is important to keep persistent your sliders preventing unwanted changes on the already inserted ones.

Using Slider API and Callbacks

Here you can add or remove callback functions to the slider, first select one type of callback function from the dropdown menu and clicking on Master Slider layer timeline to add it to slider. Each callback function is kind of event handler you can add your custom script in the function then slider will execute that when the event dispatches.

Also you can access to the slider api by using "api" variable.

								var api =;
								api.index(); 		// returns current slide index.
								api.count(); 		// returns total number of slides.
							;			// next slide.
								api.previous();  	// previous slide.
								api.gotoSlide(4);	// moves to 4th slide.
								api.pause();	 	// pauses the slider timer.
								api.resume(); 		// resumes the slider timer.
								api.currentTime(); 	// returns the percentage of elapsed time.
								api.destroy(); 		// removes the slider. 
Properties					// returns the object of slider options.
								api.view				// returns the slider transition object.
								api.view.slideList 		// returns a array of all slides.
								api.viwe.currentSlide 	// returns the current slide object.
Master Slider layer timeline

Exporting Sliders:

  • Navigate to MasterSlider admin page and click on Import & Export button.

Master Slider Export Import Button

  • Now a popup window will be open as shown in screenshot.
  • You can select specific sliders to export or select them all in one step and finally press export button.
  • Your browser will download an export file containing your sliders once you hit the "Export" button.
  • Keep this file at a secure location.

Master Slider Export Import Dialog

Importing Sliders:

  • Use Choose file button to select the export file you previously downloaded and click the "Import" button. This will bring back your previously exported sliders immediately.

Note MasterSlider won't export the images used in your sliders. Moving sites to different servers should not affect the plugin in any way. However, if you only want to move sliders between sites you need to copy the used images from your /wp-content/uploads/ folder into the same folder on your new installation.

Master Slider Export Import Dialog

Finding YouTube/Viemo Embed URL

Open the video in YouTube/Vimeo, play video and right-click on it, select Copy embed code then paste the embed code in a text editor

Get YouTube/Viemo Embed Code

Now you can see video embed URL in embed code which specified as iframe src.

Get YouTube/Viemo Embed URL

Finally in this example your embed url is : //

How to translate Master Slider in different languages?

There is two ways of translating Master Slider. Here they are :

1 - Using our online translation service (Recommended way)

You can start translating Master Slider by using our online translation service

2 - Using Poedit app

  1. Download Poedit

    There are several apps available to help you with translating .PO files. PoEdit is a popular one, and it's available on every major platform. You can download it from here.

  2. Start translating

    Open the default masterslider.po file from your /wp-content/plugins/masterslider/languages/ folder. When you save your work PoEdit will generate you a .MO file which will be needed to apply your work.

  3. Name your files properly

    WordPress recognizes your localization by a special formatting of file names. You will need to include the right language and country codes so it can identify what language is your work made for.

    For example, a French localization would have the file names: masterslider-fr_FR.po and You must follow this syntax, including the dash, underscore, and lower- or uppercase letters.

  4. Apply your localization

    Copy your newly created .PO and .MO files into the /wp-content/plugins/masterslider/languages/ folder. WordPress should use them immediately if you named your files properly.

  5. Also checkout More detailed article on translating WordPress plugins

I want to rate Master Slider

Please login to your CodeCanyon account and navigate to your Downloads page and rate item as shown below.
Thanks in advance!

I want rate Master Slider


If you have any questions please follow these steps:

Why support forum?
  • You can upload images and insert code with code-highlighting.
  • It is organized and searchable (that makes support easier and faster)

Supporting our Items INCLUDES:
  • Responding to questions or problems regarding our item and its features
  • Fixing bugs and reported issues
  • Providing updates to ensure compatibility with new software versions

Item support does NOT include:
  • Customization and installation services
  • Support for third party software and plug-ins

Important Note We CAN NOT provide support via email. Please ask your support related questions only in our support forum.

Important Note For the fast troubleshooting, please send us detailed informations about the issue and make sure that you don't forget to send us your site url where you are using or want to use the item. Please note, that we cannot troubleshoot from screencast videos or screenshots.

Master Slider developer documentation

There is another version of Master Slider documentation specially for developers which you can find Developer Documentation here.

Slider Skins

Here you can find a list of available skins which included in dowload package.

You can change the slider skin by following these steps:

  1. Find and upload your preferred skin from "skins" folder.
  2. Import "style.css" from the skin folder into your page like following:

    									<link rel="stylesheet" href="masterslider/skins/light-2/style.css" />
  3. Specify skin class name to your slider element.

    									<!-- masterslider -->
    									<div class="master-slider ms-skin-light-2" id="masterslider">
    										<!-- slides goes here -->
    									<!-- end of masterslider -->


Name Class Name
skin default ms-skin-default
skin Light 2 ms-skin-light-2
skin Light 3 ms-skin-light-3
skin Light 4 ms-skin-light-4
skin Light 5 ms-skin-light-5
skin Light 6 ms-skin-light-6
skin Light 6 Round ms-skin-light-6 ms-skin-round
skin Contrast ms-skin-contrast
skin Black 1 ms-skin-black-1
skin Black 2 ms-skin-black-2
skin Black 2 Round ms-skin-black-2 ms-skin-round
skin Metro ms-skin-metro